The Top 10 Ketogenic Recipes on Custom Daily Diet

Starting a ketogenic diet isn’t easy, but the rewards to be reaped from sticking with it are totally worth the effort. Fat loss, increased energy, stable blood sugar and rich, satisfying meals are just a few of the reasons why thousands of Custom Daily Diet users choose the “Atkins/Ketogenic” option as their primary diet type.

Top 10 Vegetarian Recipes on Custom Daily Diet

Just because you’ve decided to adopt a vegetarian diet doesn’t mean you have to miss out on flavorful, satisfying meals. These top ten vegetarian recipes eaten by Eat This Much users prove that going meat-free is anything but boring, and doesn’t have to be one long parade of green salads. From simple to complex, these recipes are sure to please any palate.

Top 10 Vegan Recipes on Custom Daily Diet

Following a vegan meal plan, or simply choosing to eat more vegan meals, doesn’t have to be boring. In fact, according to the top vegan recipes among Custom Daily Diet users, eating a vegan diet can be just as satisfying as any other meal plan. All it takes is a little more planning and you can be enjoying healthy, delicious, and most importantly, animal-free dishes every meal of the day. These recipes also happen to have a good amount of protein, which is helpful if you’re just starting out on your vegan diet.

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