The Simple Guide to Starting a Mediterranean Diet

When you combine the benefits of balanced, healthy eating with recipes that are flexible and flavorful, you get a diet that is not only good for you, but one that is much easier to stick with in the long run. That’s the Mediterranean diet in a nutshell. It offers fewer restrictions than Keto and Paleo diets and is connected to a reduction in heart disease, lower cholesterol and weight loss. Breads and dairy are ok on the Mediterranean diet as well, within reason, of course.

Depending on your current health and diet goals, this might be the perfect diet for you, but as always, please talk to your doctor before making any major changes to your diet.

A Simple Guide To Starting A Vegetarian Diet

If you are looking to improve your nutrition and shed a few of the extra pounds in the process, the vegetarian diet plan might be perfect for you.

More and more people are choosing to go down the path of becoming a vegetarian not only for personal beliefs about eating animal products, but also because of the health benefits that a vegetarian diet can offer. Growing research demonstrates the benefits of plant-based diets, such as this study on the impact of a vegetarian diet on insulin sensitivity.

The Simple Guide to Starting a Vegan Diet

In your quest to achieve better health, you may wonder if the vegan diet plan is right for you. How does one start a vegan meal plan and what benefits does it offer? How difficult or easy is it to give up all animal products? The choice to go vegan requires a good bit of consideration because some may find it harder to maintain a balance of certain micro and macro nutrients without the presence of animal products in their diet.

9 Foods That Build Muscle

We talk a lot about weight loss on this blog, so let’s switch things up and discuss the value of developing and supporting your body’s lean muscle mass. Meal planning, along with knowing which foods support the muscle building process, can make a huge difference in your efforts to get stronger. But before we list those foods out, let’s quickly cover WHY anyone would want to eat a diet that supports muscle growth.

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